Find all functions $f:\{1,2,3,\ldots\}\to\{1,2,3,\ldots\},$ such that for all $n=1,2,3,\ldots$ the sum $f(1)+f(2)+\cdots+f(n)$ is equal to a perfect cube that is less than or equal to $n^3.$

What values can $f(1)$ take?

What value must $f(1) + f(2)$ take?

Find an expression for $\sum_{i=1}^{n}{f(i)}$ in terms of $n.$

Prove your hypothesis using induction.

What is the value of $f(n)$ if $\sum_{i=1}^{n}{f(i)} = n^3$ and $\sum_{i=1}^{n-1}{f(i)} = (n-1)^3?$

By trying small values of $n,$ we find that $f(1) \leq 1^3,$ which means that necessarily $f(1)=1.$ The next case gives us $f(1)+f(2) = 8.$ This can give us an intuition that the function is unique: $f(n) = n^3 - (n-1)^3.$ To prove this formally we use induction.

Let $\Phi(n)$ be the induction hypothesis “If $S(i)=\sum_{j=1}^i{f(j)}$ is a perfect cube less than or equal to $i^3$ for all $i \leq n$ then $S(i) = i^3.$

Base case: $f(1) = 1$ as it is the only perfect cube less than or equal to $1^3,$ so $\Phi(1)$ is true.

Inductive case: Assuming $\Phi(k)$ is true, we can prove $\Phi(k+1)$ as follows: Suppose $S(i)$ is a perfect cube less than or equal to $i^3$ for all $i \leq k+1.$ Using the induction hypothesis $\Phi(k)$, $S(i) = i^3$ for all $i \leq k.$ Since $S(k) = k^3$ and $S(k+1) \leq (k+1)^3,$ $S(k+1)$ must equal $(k+1)^3$ as there are no cubes between $k^3$ and $(k+1)^3.$ Therefore $\Phi(k+1)$ is true.

By induction, $S(n) = n^3$ for all $n,$ and so $f(n) = \sum_{j=1}^{n}{f(j)} - \sum_{j=1}^{n-1}{f(j)}$ $= n^3 - (n-1)^3.$