A ternary tree is a collection of nodes, each having 0, 1, 2 or 3 children, where one node is not the child of any node and each of the other nodes is a child of exactly one other node. What are the maximum and minimum possible depths of a ternary tree containing $n$ nodes?

What configuration should the tree have in order to have the maximum depth?

… that is, in order to be as tall as possible?

What configuration should the tree have in order to have the minimum depth?

… that is, in order to be as wide as possible?

For the minimum case, how many nodes are there at depth $i$ from the top?

… what can you say about the relationship between the number of nodes at depth $i$ and depth $i-1?$

… and what about the total sum of the nodes in this particular configuration?

… an arbitrary $n$ means the last row isn’t necessarily completely filled, hence $n$ is only upper bounded rather than equal to the above sum. How can you extract the depth $d$ from this inequality?

Maximum depth is achieved when all nodes are in a line, so there is only one node at each particular depth. Hence the maximum depth is $n.$

Minimum is achieved by making the tree as wide as possible, i.e. when each node has 3 children. The maximum number of nodes at depth $i$ is $3^i,$ until we reach a sum of $n.$ So, for a total depth $d$ we have: $$ \begin{aligned} n &\leq \sum_{i=0}^{d}3^i \\ &= \frac{3^d - 1}{3 - 1}. \end{aligned} $$ This rearranges to $d \geq \log_3(2n+1).$ We want the smallest such integer (next largest integer), which means $d= \lceil \log_3(2n+1) \rceil,$ where $\lceil \cdot \rceil$ is the ceiling function.

Note: counting either nodes or edges would be acceptable as a correct answer.